BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Awards

The Distinguished Conservation Service Awards are a series of awards for Units, Youth, and Adults that recognize significant achievement in one of eight conservation areas–Soil & Water Conservation, Fish & Wildlife Management, Forestry & Range Management, Energy Conservation, Air & Water Pollution Control, Resource Recovery (Recycling), Invasive Species Control, and Hazardous Material Disposal & Management.

Be certain to review the Award Checklist Page for additional guidance on submitting applications and nominations.

Youth Award

Prior to beginning work on any of the BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award, the Scout, Venturer, or Sea Scout should contact the GGAC Conservation Committee for assistance in identifying a suitable Advisor. A Scout may use their Eagle Scout Project as one of the two projects, provided it meets the criteria of the Distinguished Conservation Service Awards.

Adult Award

The Adult Conservation Service Award is like many of the special awards for adults in that they require the individual being honored to be nominated (self-nominations are not allowed and disqualify the individual).  

The award is for an adult Scouter who has rendered distinguished and unusual service to natural resource conservation and environmental improvement over a sustained period (at least 20 years). Nominations are accepted from any recognized conservation/environmental protection organization. The nominee’s accomplishments must be at a regional, national, or international level.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow